Jolly Good Summer Box


Jolly Good Summer Box

Sale price£132.00
Choice of Wine:Summer mix of 12

Grape News!

Well word on the Grape Vine is that it's Summer and I have popped a rather special Jolly Good Box together. 

When thinking what's good drinking for this season, I thought Rose bench mark Provence pink, I thought bubbles, in fact lots of tiny bubbles bubbling away in a flavorsome fizz. I thought of mowing the lawn, the smell of cut grass, the signature aroma of the Sauvy! I thought, light elegant red but still deep crafted flavour. I thought, midnight campfire deep red.  I thought medal winners, best sellers, local favorites. I thought price, can I do a Summer Box that has all of this at the right price delivered to your door to make me your local favourite vintner?

Yes, yes I can! Let's do this! Game Set Match, Viva Vino your hero with the wine in time. 

So for just £132, that is £11 a bottle, giving you a mix of all my thoughts above in the form of 4 whites, 1 fizz, 2 pink and 5 reds.